EMail-Address | You want to contact us because you |
business | want to advertise on our pages or you need a hompeage for your company. |
support | would like to comment our site or ask us some questions. |
support | are a programmer and searching for a support-page for free. |
support | want to help us running this site and promoting the Amiga. |
vwatch | want to report a new version of a program. |
homepage | want a private homepage for only a few pound a month. |
Helge | for running the server and eliminating all the technical problems. |
Cheetah | for the original design of amigaworld. |
Grotty | for some inprovements with the design and the evidence that creating a amiga-site on a pc is terrible senseless. |
Eric Schwartz | for his superb graphics and his enthusiasm for Amiga and Amigaworld. |
Chris Wiles | for his many ideas, his support and encouragement. |
M.C. Degler | for permission to use his versionlist. |
me | for typing this and finnishing the design of amigaworld. |